


Lecturer (6h) Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, Master's Degree in Computer Science and Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence, University of Bologna.
Lecturer (6h) Sem. Blockchain E Smart Contract: Aspetti Giuridici E Tecnologici, Single Cycle Degree in Law, University of Bologna.


Lecturer (3h) Digital Law. Data, Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence, Professional Master's Programme 1st Level, University of Bologna.
Lecturer (6h) Sem. Blockchain E Smart Contract: Aspetti Giuridici E Tecnologici, Single Cycle Degree in Law, University of Bologna.


Lecturer (4h) IT Law and Legal Informatics, Professional Master's Programme 1st Level, University of Bologna.
Lecturer (3h) Legal Tech & Blockchain , Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law and Bachelor's Degree in Legal Consultant in Business and Public Administration, University of Bologna (Ravenna Campus).
Lecturer (9h) Sem. Blockchain E Smart Contract: Aspetti Giuridici E Tecnologici, Single Cycle Degree in Law, University of Bologna.


Tutor (40h) Legal Computer Science IUS/20 , Bachelor's Degree in Legal Consultant in Business and Public Administration, University of Bologna (Ravenna Campus).
Lecturer (9h) Sem. Blockchain E Smart Contract: Aspetti Giuridici E Tecnologici, Single Cycle Degree in Law, University of Bologna.
Lecturer (3h) Trattamento dei dati personali e Data Protection Officer, Professional Master's Programme 1st Level, University of Bologna.
Lecturer (2h) IT Law and Legal Informatics, Professional Master's Programme 1st Level, University of Bologna.
Teaching assistant (6h) Social/Legal/Ethical Aspects in Data Science, Master's Degree in Data Science, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Teaching assistant (6h) Aspectos Sociales, Éticos y Legales de los Datos y la Inteligencia Artificial, Bachelor's Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Teaching assistant Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, Master's Degree in Computer Science and Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence, University of Bologna.


Lecturer (9h) Sem. Blockchain E Smart Contract: Aspetti Giuridici E Tecnologici, Single Cycle Degree in Law, University of Bologna.
Teaching assistant Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, Master's Degree in Computer Science and Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence, University of Bologna.


Teaching assistant Peer-to-Peer Systems, Master's Degree in Computer Science, University of Bologna.

Supervised Theses

[MSc] Bonini Michele, Ferretti Stefano, Zichichi Mirko,
Proof of Location through a Blockchain Agnostic Smart Contract Language: Design and Evaluation over Algorand and Ethereum, University of Bologna. December 2022, Bologna, Italy.
[MSc] Fazzini Emanuele, Ferretti Stefano, Zichichi Mirko,
Keyword-based multimedia data lookup in decentralized systems, University of Bologna. December 2022, Bologna, Italy.
[MSc] Mioli Riccardo, Ferretti Stefano, Zichichi Mirko,
Trasferimento di Token Inter-Blockchain: attacchi e soluzioni in uno scenario di Blockchain locali, University of Bologna. July 2022, Bologna, Italy.
[BSc] Matteo Serafini, Ferretti Stefano, Zichichi Mirko,
Implementation of a Smart Contract based System for Traceability in Agrifood, University of Urbino. February 2022, Urbino, Italy.
[MSc] Andrea Elia Tallaros, Ferretti Stefano, Zichichi Mirko,
B-Mule: A Blockchain based Secure Data Delivery Service, University of Bologna. December 2021, Bologna, Italy.
[MSc] La Piana Fedrica, Ferretti Stefano, Zichichi Mirko,
Gestione e Indicizzazione di Dati in Contesti di Smart Transportation: un Approccio basato su Registri Distribuiti, University of Bologna. October 2021, Bologna, Italy.
[MSc] Giansante Cesare, Ferretti Stefano, Zichichi Mirko,
Ricerca su Registri Distribuiti: un Approccio Basato su Distributed Hash Tables, University of Bologna. March 2021, Bologna, Italy.
[BSc] Cavallin Riccardo, Ferretti Stefano, Zichichi Mirko,
Approccio blockchain per la gestione dei dati personali, University of Bologna. October 2020, Bologna, Italy.
[MSc] Sparber Julian, Ferretti Stefano, Zichichi Mirko,
Blockchain-based end-to-end encryption for Matrix instant messaging, University of Bologna. July 2020, Bologna, Italy.
[BSc] Gurioli Andrea, D'Angelo Gabriele, Ferretti Stefano, Zichichi Mirko,
Ethereum alla prova dei fatti: Analisi sull'utilizzo degli smart contracts per l'implementazione di opzioni nei mercati finanziari, University of Bologna. March 2020, Bologna, Italy.
[BSc] Mazzini Federico, D'Angelo Gabriele, Ferretti Stefano, Zichichi Mirko,
Query sull’infrastruttura IOTA: un approccio keyword-based, University of Bologna. March 2020, Bologna, Italy.
[BSc] Morselli Enrico, D'Angelo Gabriele, Ferretti Stefano, Zichichi Mirko,
Radix DLT: un'alternativa scalabile alle Blockchain, University of Bologna. March 2020, Bologna, Italy.
[BSc] Mongardi Michele, D'Angelo Gabriele, Ferretti Stefano, Zichichi Mirko,
Progettazione di un sistema DLT per l'interoperabilità e lo scambio di dati sanitari utilizzando le tecnologie IOTA e IPFS, University of Bologna. March 2020, Bologna, Italy.
[BSc] Pietrucci Giovanni, D'Angelo Gabriele, Ferretti Stefano, Zichichi Mirko,
Un sistema di micropagamenti su piattaforma Ethereum per il wireless roaming, University of Bologna. March 2020, Bologna, Italy.

Supervised Projects

[MSc] Davide Pruscini, Giosuè Cotugno,
cloud-chain-simulation, This project aims to test different kinds of blockchains and consensus mechanism with the same CloudSLA smart contract March 2022.
[MSc] Håvard Brenne,
DataMuleIoT, Proof of Concept of Data Mules using IoT devices over a State Channel Network March 2022.
[MSc] Tropea Davide, Leurini Alessio,
HYPFS, Implementation of a Decentralized keywords Search Engine based on a hypercube-structured DHT, that integrates IPFS April 2021.
[MSc] Tsiotas Giorgio, Lorello Luca,
Filecoin, Technical analysis and testing of Filecoin. February 2021.
[MSc] Rambaldi Francesco,
Secret Sharing Authorization (COOL Pizza!), The implementation of authorization through smart contracts and secret sharing using OpenEthereum (+ mobile game development). January 2021.
[MSc] Mazzieri Diego, Giuliani Luca, Lombardi Alessandro,
IoTrace, A contact tracing app built using the IOTA Tangle and based on geo-spatial information about the agents. January 2021.
[MSc] Lanzarone Lorenzo Biagio, Romanello Cristian,
Holobook, Holochain application that implements (the basic features of) a decentralized social network. January 2021.
[MSc] Amoriello Nicola, Massaro Valerio Giuseppe,
Holosensor, A dApp for IoT data acquisition and sharing in Holochain (+ devices simulation). December 2020.
[MSc] Tallaros Andrea Elia,
D-Votes, A dApp that uses Ethereum smart contracts and IPFS to completely decentralize voting. December 2020.
[MSc] Giansante Cesare,
Hypeercube, DHT with the aim of facilitating the search of large amounts of data in DLTs using specific keywords. December 2020.
[BSc] Cavallin Riccardo,
Testing Google Drive, Testing Google Drive storage solution. September 2020.
[MSc] Sparber Julian,
E2E SecretStore, End-to-end encryption system for the realtime communication network Matrix. June 2020.
[MSc] Cantamaglia Carlo,
Lightning Network Analysis, Analysis of the network generated by the Lightning protocol using network science. May 2020.
[MSc] D’Ambrosio Luca, Silvestri Marco,
LibraFaceWallet, Web platform that hosts a Wallet for Libra cryptocurrency based on Facebook profiles. March 2020.
[MSc] Serra Alessandro, Longo Andrea,
IPFS and Sia Buses Simulation, Simulation of an IoT smart city bus network over IPFS and Sia. March 2020.
[BSc] Mongardi Michele,
IOTA-IPFS Latency Measurements, Testing IOTA MAM channels and IPFS libraries. February 2020.
[BSc] Morselli Enrico,
Radix Bootleg, System in which artists can get revenue from videos of their live performances through Radix. February 2020.
[BSc] Mazzini Federico,
Keyword Search, DHT Simulation for keyword search (in IOTA MAM channels). January 2020.
[MSc] Berti Matteo,
Radix DLT IoT Simulation, Simulation of an IoT smart city bus network over Radix DLT. November 2019.