Hello! I’m Mirko

Engineering Team Lead at IOTA Foundation (since Jun 2024).
Applied Research Engineer at IOTA Foundation (Dec 2022 - May 2024).
PhD in Law, Science and Technology (MSCA Grant), Universities of Madrid, Bologna, Turin (Apr 2023).
MSc in Information Science for Management, University of Bologna (2019).
BSc in Computer Science, Università degli Studi di Palermo (2017).
Born in Palermo, Sicily (1995).

Passionate about Distributed Ledger Technologies, with expertise in designing and developing protocols for smart contract implementation and optimization. I hold a PhD in Law, Science, and Technology with a thesis title: '’Decentralized Systems for the Protection and Portability of Personal Data.’‘

Current Projects

I currently lead the VM&Language within the IOTA Foundation’s R&D Department → GitHub repo.

Blog Posts

The problem with (permissionless) decentralization
Why should the current personal data protection and portability paradigm be changed?
A DecentDIS? Find out more about Decentralized Data Intermediation Services

Main Research Outputs

[PhD] Zichichi Mirko, Rodríguez-Doncel Victor, Ferretti Stefano,
Decentralized Systems for the Protection and Portability of Personal Data, University of Madrid - University of Bologna. April 2023, Madrid, Spain.
[J3] Zichichi Mirko, Ferretti Stefano, D'Angelo Gabriele, Rodríguez-Doncel Victor
Data governance through a multi-DLT architecture in view of the GDPR, Cluster Computing, Springer. July 2022.
[J8] Zichichi Mirko, Rodríguez-Doncel Victor
Encoding of Media Value Chain Processes Through Blockchains and MPEG-21 Smart Contracts for Media, IEEE MultiMedia, IEEE. August 2023.

Past Affiliations


IOTA Foundation
Pappelallee 78/79
10437 Berlin, Germany

name = mirko
surname = zichichi
email_0 = {name.surname}@iota.org
email_1 = {name.surname}@pm.me

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